“The Worst Year of the Obama Presidency;” “Obama’s Katrina
and Iraq War Rolled into One;” “Too Cold a Personality for a President.” You
would think the country is in really bad shape, and it’s the president’s doing.
Of course, if you listen to Fox News or right wing radio
talk show hosts, that would be called liberal media spin on their beliefs:
“Obama Sold us into the Slavery of Socialism;” “Weakening our Nation and Destroying the Military;” “A Tyrant Ignoring the Constitution.”
In fact, it bears remembering that five years ago only the
extraordinary measures Obama and a briefly Democratic Congress took in 2009 to
stimulate the economy and save the auto industry kept us out of a
Depression. But it seems increasingly clear this “jobless recovery” was
because we stopped stimulus spending too soon. Nevertheless, the economy has
finally shaken off the lethargy it was in. Despite the Government Shutdown,
Sequestration, and despite 3 years of GOP austerity policies that limited
stimulus spending to the Federal Reserve’s efforts to pump money into the
economy, we have seen sustained growth reaching 4% of GDP and shrinking
Where might we be if we’d had a second stimulus bill to fix
our crumbling infrastructure instead of fretting about debt and deficits and
facing Republican refusal to raise new revenue even by closing tax loopholes?
A conservative estimate is a million jobs and nearly a trillion dollars a
year since 2011. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says the
Sequestration alone is responsible for the loss or failure to create over a
million jobs and almost a full percentage point of growth. That’s why it’s
worth at least a sigh of relief that the recent budget compromise has delayed
some of Sequestration's effects of and increased the budget for a couple
years. The so-called Party of Fiscal Responsibility has cost us a fortune.
We shouldn’t be gloomy, we should be angry. When even the
Pope comes out and says trickle-down economics doesn’t work, isn’t it time for
Republicans to acknowledge they’ve been standing in the way of growth? In
recent elections, they incessantly claimed businesses would not hire because of
the “uncertainty” of whether taxes would rise on top earners as they finally
did at the beginning of 2013. And look at how well the economy has done since
then! There was something to their argument, only it was the Republicans
causing the uncertainty, and the increasing inequality of income in our
“If you like your health care plan you can keep it.” He said
it, many times. Was he lying, misled, or stupid? None of the above. He is,
after all, a politician. In this case, as politicians do in campaigns, he
oversold. Mark my words, something like the following will be reported in a
tell-all book some day.
Obama: Maybe I should say, “If you like your health plan,
almost all of you can keep your health plan!”
Campaign advisor: Not strong enough. Drop the almost all.
Obama: I don’t know, we put in the grandfather clause to let
insurance companies keep people insured if their plans were in effect since
before the law was passed, but some folks have bought inadequate policies since
Campaign advisor: How many?
Obama: Maybe 1 or 2%.
Campaign advisor: Look, 98% keeping their plan? That’s
virtually everybody. Just go with it.
It turns out it was more like 5%. And of course, there is
the Healthcare.gov website that took two months to get working right. Two
months of bad press about how government can’t perform like the private sector.
That’s mythology: 8 out of 10 businesses fail in the first year. The federal
government can’t go out of business, so when it makes a mistake, it has to fix
it. How does a failed campaign promise and a poorly designed website become the
equivalent of a failure to provide emergency assistance to a whole city
(Katrina) or of going to war on false pretenses (Iraq) and proclaiming
victory months into a protracted disaster? Who died because of the website
failure? How much did it cost to fix it compared to 8 years of war? (answer: don't
know how much it cost to fix, but it was supposed to be 1/2 billion to build
Healthcare.gov. A low estimate on cost of the Iraq War is 800 billion).
Is Obama held to a different standard by the media? Heck,
the worst they can say about him is that he’s not as outgoing as other
presidents; he doesn’t like to glad hand and schmooze as much as Bill Clinton
or George Bush. Have his poll numbers dropped simply because people found out
he’s not perfect? I saw a cartoon recently showing Obama walking on water, but
sinking and now up to his knees. The last panel shows an elephant (GOP) on the
bottom pulling him down with its trunk.
There’s a lot of good that Obama has done for the American
people in five years, but he could have accomplished much more with a "loyal
opposition" instead of a perfidious one. Background checks, immigration
reform, closing corporate loopholes—these are issues large majorities of Americans favor,
but Republicans are blocking. It’s time for us to stand up for this man and for
sensible lawmaking. It’s easy to get stirred up by a great speech during a
campaign; it's harder to cast aside your gloom and get stirred up to change
public opinion. But that's what we need to do to convince the other side to
support sensible, needed policies, or to mobilize to vote them out.
Great blog, thanks Paul. ~ Norm