Let’s be clear. I ain’t skinny. At 5’8”, 185 pounds, all the
charts say I’m overweight. And, though I’ve got a fair amount of muscle from
years of bike riding and cutting and hauling firewood in my younger days, and
though I lost 25 pounds (well, 30, but got 5 back, read back over the last year
of posts to read about losing the weight), I’m carrying at least 30 pounds of
extra fat around the middle. At 62 years old, it’s unlikely I’m going to become
a yogi, a person who is proficient in yoga. And by proficient, I guess in my
mind, I would have to be able to do a full lotus and maybe some other
complicated, twisty poses.
Of course, by some definitions, a Yogi is simply someone “on
the journey,” which reminds me very much of psychotherapy, Zen Buddhism, or nearly
any “discipline.” At any rate, let me tell you some of the things I can’t do,
so that, if over time I can do them, we can agree that Yoga has had an effect
on my body. The possible mental/spiritual benefits I may report on, but I don’t
know how I can objectively report a baseline short of asking people to write
down their impressions of my personality now and some time in the future to see
if it’s changed.
I cannot do a full or even a half lotus. In those poses you
start cross-legged, bring one foot on top of the other thigh for half lotus and
the other foot on top for full. Your knees should be touching or almost
touching the floor. When I bring either foot on top of my thigh my knee sticks
almost straight up in the air. And with one foot on a thigh the other won’t
come anywhere near the other.
I cannot hang one arm behind my head, put the other behind
my waist, and grasp hands, in fact my arms stay at least 6 inches apart (I’ll
have my wife measure the gap before my next post).
I cannot do a full squat where my butt touches the back of
my calves. I can almost get there, but my knees or thigh muscles protest. Same
thing when I’m kneeling: can't sit on my heels.
I can touch my toes, hold my ankles, but can’t put my put my
hands flat on the floor with my knees locked. I’ve got about 4 inches to go. I
can’t come near folding my body in half and putting my head on the floor when
I’m sitting on my butt no matter where my legs are. When doing “the clam” I get
the closest. That’s where your legs are out in front of you with the soles of
your feet together, you hold your feet and pull yourself forward and drop your
head. Honestly, I can’t begin to do it. Maybe I’ll have Rita take a picture.
There are a million other things I probably can’t do or do
right, but these are some of the important ones. So I have a long way to go. If
you read my post last week, you know that one of the issues I have is a history
of back pain. I’ve been pushing myself pretty hard this week, practicing yoga at
least an hour each day using “Priscilla’s Yoga Stretches” a series of 15 minute
programs which shows on WVPBS-2 in the Charleston, WV and online at http://video.scetv.org/video/1832171696/. She runs through her lessons pretty fast, so I take at least 30
minutes to complete a fifteen program because I’ll pause it to spend more time
doing what I can do to approximate what she’d doing and maintaining and stretch
more deeply into my facsimile of the pose.
In the course of my stretching, I have had cause to well
remember back problems which plagued me between the ages of 25 and 45. I’ve
come to realize that I never fully healed, or perhaps more accurately never
fully strengthened myself after those episodes of severe back spasms and pain.
And that is one of the reasons I am so tight.
The physical therapist who worked with me taught me that it
was not really through stretching that I would heal my back, but through
strengthening exercises. She taught me some, but after the pain receded I
stopped doing them. The bike riding I do works some of those muscles as do a
couple of the machines I use sometimes at the YWCA Nautilus, but I have to
confess that actually strengthening my back and stomach muscles more than has
been needed to keep pain at bay has not been something I’ve felt motivated to
do…until now.
As I do the yoga stretches I feel the old ball of tightness
down in my lower back on the left side and know that is what is keeping that
left knee high in the air when I attempt half lotus and what is stopping me
from bending far at the waist.
So, while I say I’ve been practicing yoga an hour or so a
day, I’ve also been spending additional time as I sit and watch TV or even use
the computer working those back and stomach muscles, stretching this way and
that, tensing my “core”, even getting down on the floor sometimes to work on
something. And as I walk around the house or take a walk outside, I’m trying to
keep my stomach and lower back muscles tightened, which results in what I think
of as the Denzel Washington walk (or the George W. Bush walk, but I really
don’t want to compare myself to him)—a military walk: stomach in, back
straight, butt tucked.
Okay, enough about me. How about posting your story about
your back or your experience with back pain, yoga, or exercise?
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